Our projects

Our projects

Ongoing Projects

Virtual Threads (Virtual Retail Mall)

The VR Mall Introduces a 3D Model Apparel Try-On system, enabling customers to try on clothing for realistic size assessment virtually. This immersive shopping experience, resembling a physical store, integrates a seamless apparel checkout process with diverse payment options and robust security measures. Personalized recommendations based on user preferences enhance satisfaction while the system prioritizes data security. By combining technology, convenience, and realism, the VR Mall redefines online apparel shopping, setting a new standard for virtual retail experiences.

LLM Playground

An LLM playground is a comprehensive and interactive environment in the context of a one-stop platform for AI models. This platform allows users across diverse industries to interactively experiment with different AI models and input prompts and witness their impressive responses. Bridging the gap between technology and application, the LLM Playground empowers industries to harness the potential of advanced language models for exploration, discovery, and tailored solutions. Beneficiaries: Healthcare, Retail, Education, Telecommunications.

Iron Man Suit

Iron Man Suit is a wearable suit with Jarvis enabled for intelligent assistant; it can control smart home devices through voice command and has access to different sensors to get a feed of other locations in real-time. It will also automatically send small robots to desired locations to handle situations like fire accidents, etc.

VR Campus Tour and Information

The VR Campus tour is an immersive and innovative way for prospective students, parents, and visitors to explore a university or college campus without physically being there. Using virtual reality (VR) technology, participants can use a VR headset and experience a lifelike representation of the campus in stunning detail.

3rd Eye OpenCv based robot Navigation

The third eye is a semi-autonomous robot that can navigate through the observing camera. It is, therefore, named Third Eye, as we have an observer to observe the robot and the environment itself; in addition to that, as the environment is limited due to the camera feed, it can be further increased using more cameras. Tasks can be embedded in the system to perform a specific task autonomously.

Avatar Chatbot

Our project aims to introduce an innovative AI Avatar Chatbot designed to facilitate engaging and dynamic question-and-answer interactions in the rapidly evolving digital communication landscape. This interactive and user-friendly chatbot leverages artificial intelligence to enhance user experiences, providing a personalized and efficient means of obtaining information.

Building of AI model to convert 2D to 3D models-Advertflair,USA

It is mainly for the online store. For instance, just 3 to 4 photographs are submitted for each product on Amazon.com when someone wishes to buy it. The purchasers will need a more robust understanding of the goods from the pictures. Buyers will receive more details about the product, such as length, width, front and back appearance, etc. if we convert 2D photographs to 3D images. In simple terms, the buyers can view the image in 360 degrees.

Realistic Health Care Management System for Type- 2 Diabets using Mellitus using lifestyle Data.

The proposed research project aims to develop a complete solution for a Realistic Healthcare Management System for Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (RHMST2DM). The product will comprise two main components: Predictive Analytics and Recommender Systems. Finally, a knowledge-based interface (Android Application) will be designed to integrate all the components of the project work in the form of the complete product. The system will help healthcare professionals provide better service to patients in the healthcare industry. It will also help the patients because they may be predicted at the initial stages of the disease. Early prediction and proper diagnosis can reduce complications, even the fatality rate of Type-2 Diabetes in India.

Funding Agency:  Woxsen Future Lab, Woxsen University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Amount: 5,05,000 (Five Lakhs and Five Thousand Only)

Duration: 36 Months

PI/Co-PI’s: Principal Investigator: Dr. Shahid Mohammad Ganie  (Assistant Professor, AI Research Centre, Department of Analytics, School of Business, Woxsen University)

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr Hemachandran K  (Professor and Director of AI Research Centre, School of Business, Woxsen University)

Research Associates: Bobba Bharath Reddy (B.Tech 3rd Year, Course: Data Science & AI &ML, School of Technology, Woxsen University).

Alluri Druthi Sai Sri Varma (B.Tech 1st Year, Course: Computer Science Engineering, School of Technology, Woxsen University).

Sowmya Saluru (B.Tech 1st Year, Course: Computer Science Engineering, School of Technology, Woxsen University).

Sports Analytics - Research carried out by COE

Analyzing sports, especially in cricket, regarding posture recognition, fitness assessment, and predictions on team or player performance using AI Methods.

Empowering Women's Safety in Public through Intelligent Neural Network System: "The Development of Secure Zone Automation System"
Building of Nayas and Shastras Recommendation System - Advaitic AI Research Foundation

We are building a recommendation system for this research foundation using NLP and transfer learning. Any person who likes to ask a question related to Nayas and Shastras. This model can answer for it.

Catective and Pet Monitoring System- PetThinq.AI, USA

PetThinq.AI, USA: We are building a facial recognition model for cats and developing an edge monitoring device for pets using computer vision and AI.

Decentraized blockchain file Sharing System for Inter-University Collaboration with Expiry Control

This project enables universities to share files like research papers via blockchain with other universities upon request. It empowers senders to control link validity, ensuring secure and timely sharing. Files are stored on IPFS and automatically deleted upon download or sender’s preference, fostering efficient and controlled collaboration.

Cricket Stumps

Our Smart Wickets with Analytics is a low-cost replica with the same efficiency as Zing wickets. The camera in our wicket is connected to an AI system that can track the ball’s movement and determine whether the player is out (DRS System). We have a Dashboard for explicit notification of different decisions.

Woxsen Food wastage Management System

At the heart of “ENVIROFEAST” is a mission to combat food waste. By championing efficient storage and distribution and promoting responsible consumer behaviour, they’re sowing the seeds of sustainability in dining practices.

Local Impact, Global Vision The team’s relentless efforts are reshaping surplus food management and channelling it to nearby nursing homes and orphanages in Kamkole, Hyderabad, India. It’s a small step with a significant impact.

AI and Sustainability Unite Powered by the synergy of AI and sustainability, ENVIROFEAST stands as a testament to innovation. Their collaboration with the AI Research Centre at Woxsen University showcases the transformative potential when technology meets social responsibility.

Applauding Change-makers Let’s applaud the dedication of the ENVIROFEAST team and the AI Research Centre at Woxsen University. They’re not just imagining a brighter future but actively building it—one meal at a time.

Completed Projects

SmartQuiz:Engaging Education Through Interactive Learning in Maetverse

The quiz game is designed for interactive learning, accommodating up to 100 participants with real-time score tracking and a user-friendly interface. Students benefit from enjoyable, competitive learning experiences. It can be used for in-class assessments, study groups, homework, review sessions, and remote learning. The game offers customization, rewards, and analytics, making it suitable for various subjects and educational levels. It can also be applied in parent-teacher conferences, peer tutoring, school events, and professional development for teachers.

Woxen Campus Tour Walkthrough in Mataverse

Embark on an immersive journey through Woxsen University with our VR Campus Tour app, which is compatible with VR headsets, mobile devices, and desktops. Explore the campus at your own pace, breaking the boundaries of time and distance. Through interactive features, engage with our academic buildings, student hangouts, and lush greenery. Experience the essence of Woxsen’s vibrant community and esteemed academic programs. Join us in reshaping campus engagement by virtually attending events from around the globe. Welcome to Woxsen, where the virtual world merges with visionary exploration, offering endless possibilities for discovery and connection.

AI Insurance Chatbot (Metaverse)

AI Insurance Agent in Metaverse project now incorporates Telangana insurance agency information. Through the AI avatar, customers can access details about insurance agents in Telangana and receive personalized recommendations for the best insurance options based on their specific circumstances. This interactive experience remains accessible through various devices, allowing users to engage with the AI avatar regardless of their preferred platform. Whether it’s families exploring insurance together, small business owners seeking commercial coverage, recent graduates navigating health insurance options, seniors evaluating Medicare plans, or expectant parents needing to update their coverage, the AI avatar is equipped to provide tailored guidance within the immersive environment of the metaverse.

Data Strategy Game

Unleash the strategist in you with “Data Strategy: The Game”!  Embark on an interactive journey inspired by the Harvard Business Review’s wisdom in “What is your data strategy” by Leonardo Dalle Mule and Thomas H. Davenport.

Choose Your Battlefield: Pick a business sector (hospital, bank, retail) to navigate the intricate world of data.

Plot Your Course: Slide along the Data Strategy Spectrum, moulding your approach based on the crucial Elements of Data Strategy.

Money Talks: Start with a cool $1,000,000. Invest wisely! Each quarter, allocate $25,000 across five of sixteen data management activities.

Strategize Your Moves: Opt for offensive or defensive data manoeuvres, sculpting your position on the Data Strategy Spectrum.

Expect the Unexpected: Brace yourself for random adversarial events that spice up the game.

Rewards & Penalties: Smart plays lead to profits, while adversarial events sting less for well-positioned players. Choose poorly, and the penalties bite harder.

Fortune Favors the Strategist: Emerge victorious by strategically placing yourself on the Data Strategy Spectrum, raking in profits and minimizing penalties.

Game Over: Conclude after 40 financial quarters (10 years) or when your initial corpus runs dry.

WoxPix- AI Image Generator

State-of-the-art AI Image Generator enables the creation of stunning, hyper-realistic images with minimal input. It captures intricate details precisely, making it a perfect tool for artists, designers, and visionaries. Users can unlock a world of limitless creative potential with simple prompts, from digital art to marketing materials.

Embedded Marketing – APT AI Labs, USA

This project helps in capturing the metrics of embedded advertising (Brand Placement) and adds more value to embedded advertising. The benefits and features will become readily available for marketers, Advertisers, and media production houses. Users’ desire to buy the displayed product while watching a video content will allow them to land on the product merchandise page by using AI engine.

Blockchain for fraud detection in University credit transfer, transcript verification and employment candidacy identification.

This project helps capture the metrics of embedded advertising (Brand Placement) and adds more value to embedded advertising. The benefits and features will become readily available for marketers, Advertisers, and media production houses. Users’ desire to buy the displayed product while watching video content will allow them to land on the product merchandise page using an AI engine.

Woxsen Campus Mart

Promoting a culture of reuse and resource sharing contributes to a greener campus. Students can give new life to unused items, reducing waste and embracing a more sustainable lifestyle.

AI Conversational Chatbot (VenusVenture)

Chatbot is used to prepare and summarize minutes of meetings from the recording of meetings conducted by a Startup Incubator.

Image SImilarity Automation (AdvertFlair)

We are identifying images that resemble each other using computer vision from an available database of e-commerce products.

AdTech – AI Powered Intelligent Video Recommendation : AdvertFlair

AI-Powered Intelligent Video Recommendation – AdvertFlair: Identifying the best advertisement prepared for a product by the company to promote it on social media. Nowadays, companies are spending more money taking advertisements and promoting them on social media. With our app, companies can identify which advertisements people like to watch.